Capability Plus Solutions delivers Life Sciences Distribution Browser for NCI

October 23, 2008   165 views

LSD Browser Application

The National Cancer Institute Center for Bioinformatics (NCICB) announced the availability of the second version of the Life Sciences Distribution (LSD), version 1.1, which includes the initial release of the Life Sciences Distribution Browser. The LSD is a comprehensive set of tools that support biomedical research, from tracking and managing biospecimens, to analyzing and integrating microarray data.

The Life Sciences Distribution Browser - LSDB (version 1.0) - is a web front end to perform keyword searches on local or remote grid-enabled LSD services. This first release of LSDB supports searching across NCIA and caArray. It can be downloaded from

The LSDB was developed by Capability Plus Solutions in cooperation with the NCI Center for Bioinformatics, SAIC, and Sapient. It provides customizable keyword-based searches across any caGrid compatible Grid Service for programmatic access to data. It is built on a common set of Open Source technologies for ease of installation and maintenance.

For additional information, please download the attached LSDB information sheet.

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